The publication of the contributions will be published by Atiner-International Publisher - with double blind review by the Scientific Committee of the De-Sign Environment Landscape City Conference and Editorial board of Atiner.
No. will be selected. 4 full papers for publication in the AJA International magazine class A.
De-Sign Environemt Landscape City- Resilient Communities is also part from the11th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies & Planning31 May & 1-3 June 2021, Athens, Greece- deadline 19 April.

The publication of the contributions will be edited by Atiner - International Publisher - with double blind review by the Scientific Committee of the De-Sign Environment Landscape City Conference and by the Atiner Editorial Committee.
Will be selected n. 4 full papers for publication in the AJA International Class A magazine.
De-Sign Environemt Landscape City- Resilient Communities is also part ofthe 11th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies & Planning31 May & 1-3 June 2021, Athens, Greece- deadline 19 April.